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ClimbWall (06 July 2023)  

Upload: 05 Jul 2023, 04:55
Last updated: 18-07-2023, 14:22
Created by: Tchernobill [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
ClimbWall (06 July 2023)

Requires TchernoLib

You can climb one level up.

How to climb
  • You can climb to a place one level higher than you but not directly over.
  • The target place must have a floor.
  • The target place must have no wall window or fence blocking the climb.
  • There must be nothing on top of your head blocking the climb.
  • There must be no door / window / fence in front of the player (priority goes to vanilla interactions).
  • Keep the interaction key pressed while approaching the place you wanna climb to.
  • Interaction key is 'E' by default.
Success / Struggle / Failure

Computation details:

  • Base chance: 80%
  • Each point in Strength and Fitness adds 2% (at best +40%)
  • Each level of Endurance removes 10% (at worse -40%)
  • Each level of HeavyLoad removes 16% (at worse -64%)
  • Any trait among Emaciated / Obese / Very Underweight removes 25% (at worse -25%)
  • Any trait among Underweight / Overweight removes 15%
  • Each zombie attacking the player from its initial tile removes 25% (no limit)
  • Each zombie not attacking the player from its initial tile removes 7% (no limit)
  • Success chance: sum of all variables above - 25%
  • Struggle chance: 25% (if Success chance < 100%). 0% (if Success chance >= 125%)
  • Fail chance: 100% - Struggle chance - Success chance.
  • Critical success: 1% (there is always a chance).
  • Critical failure: 0% (no critical failure for PZ. player must be able to guarantee success if carefull).
  • A struggle result leads to a new computation.

Exemple 1 Fresh New Bill : Player with 5 fitness, 5 strength, no moodle, no trait, no zombie around.

  • Base = 80% + 2%*(5+5) = 100%.
  • Success = Base -25% => 75%.
  • Struggle = min(Base,25) = 25%.
  • Failure = 0%.

Exemple 2 Zero (Wannabe Hero) : Player with 0 fitness, 0 strength, First Endurance moodle, Obese trait, one zombie attacking.

  • Base = 80% - 10% - 25% -25% = 20%.
  • Success = Base - 25% => 1%. (critical success only)
  • Struggle = min(Base,25)-critical success = 19%.
  • Failure = 80%.

Exemple 3 Hero (Experienced Zero) : Player with 10 fitness, 10 strength, First Endurance moodle, no trait, one zombie attacking.

  • Base = 80% + 2%*(10+10) - 10% -25% = 85%.
  • Success = Base - 25% => 60%.
  • Struggle = min(Base,25) = 25%.
  • Failure = 15%.
Endurance consumtion
  • Success: 6.24% endurance.
  • Failure: 6.24% endurance.
  • Struggle: 2.6% endurance per struggle.
  • Animation is clunky.
  • You will get access to places you usually don't: beware the holes in some roofs.
  • Close range teleport is used.
  • I've not had any death while climbing, but I cannot guaranty you wont.
  • Play it safe: Back Up Your Save.



26 Jul 2022
2 397

This is a complete re-write of CocoLiquidOverhaul with optimized functions "overwrite" letting mod creator add custom fuel container item to the game by adding only Tags to the items.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. P
    Pepepa [Guests]
    18 July 2023 14:16

    Can you upload last version (version 1.2 aka No Ghost Please) (5 JUL 21:53 )? and TchernoLib version 1.19 ( 18 JUL 10:51 )?

    This version dont run with Hotfix 41.78.16 Released

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      18 July 2023 14:22


      1. P
        Pepepa [Guests]
        18 July 2023 15:00

        Thank you