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Herbal Medicine Plus  

Upload: 31 Jan 2023, 11:50
Created by: spoon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Herbal Medicine Plus

Simple and effective

Craft your own herbal vitamins, painkillers and antibiotics with high level medicine skills and with some stuff from the forest. Good for roleplay when XP multiplier is set very low and you can have characters with different set of skills, doing mostly their specialised jobs.


  • Painkillers need level 5 doctor skill and Antibiotics level 6, both need to be made into a brew mix first and then left to brew for a 8 days. Both also require recipe book to be red.
  • Vitamins can be crafted with level 4 doctor skill + a reciepe book.
  • Herbal Antibiotics are not as effective as the modern ones. Painkillers and Vitamins are the same.
  • Disinfecting a rag/wound takes only 2/10's of a bottle of alcohol instead of full.
  • Break pieces of charcoal and eat them to soothe food poisoning. Make charcoal with : Real Metalworking
  • Drink herbal tea or eat honey to sooth cold and flu.
  • Most recipe details are up on the screenshots.

Should not conflict with any other mod or with vanilla. Works with old savegames.

Credits :
Spanish translation - Thank you XpaDDer
Italian translation - Thank you TheSanctuary0
Russian translation - Thank you Ксерокопия члена

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