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Furniture Tweaks  

Upload: 03 May 2023, 14:39
Created by: pwrcosmic [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Furniture Tweaks
Furniture Tweaks combines two mods I particularly enjoyed to play nicer with each other and other similar mods.
  • Ability to deconstruct containers with items within them, with them subsequently dropping to the ground.
  • Ability to pick up and move most furniture much more safely in comparison to Vanilla.
Why use this?:

This mod was created with the sole purpose of improving furniture and containers just that little bit by combining two existing mods into one so they can play nicely. I recommend one of the source mods if you don't like one of the features but enjoy the other, as that allows you to support the original authors. Just use this if you like both features, as they're otherwise incompatible!

Swap It

Swap It

03 Aug 2022

Equipped weapons will swap places with hotslotted weapons instead of being put away entirely. Example: If you have Weapon A on your belt and Weapon B in hand- selecting weapon A will equip weapon A and put weapon B on your belt.

Severe Non-Lethal Infections

Severe Non-Lethal Infections

29 Jan 2023

This mod adjusts how non-lethal zombie infections work and adds extra penalties for getting a non-lethal zombie infection. I wanted to find a middle ground between a zombie infection auto-killing a character and the current non-lethal infections, which do almost nothing.

Amputations RP 5 MB

Amputations RP

12 Jun 2023
1 796

Amputations RP introduces a range of immersive role-playing elements centered around amputations and disabilities. This visually-focused modification offers players a unique opportunity to delve into the challenges and triumphs of characters facing limb loss.

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