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Weather Moodles  

Upload: 29 Jan 2023, 09:22
Created by: B O B c a t [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Weather Moodles

Requires MoodleFramework

Adds moodles to indicate current weather conditions.
Currently has moodles for Cloud, Rain, Snow, Wind, Fog, Sun, Moon, Storm, Blizzard and Tropical Storm.

The moodles are purely visual at the moment. They do not provide any (de)buffs.
The good/bad color settings are player preference.

Why this mod?

To further immerse myself in the game, I've always wanted to be able to see the sky.
Or, generally, have more information so I can properly visualize my surroundings.
This mod will help with that by indicating what is currently happening above our heads.

How does it work?

It reads the weather related variables from the game and conveys that data through moodles.
To create the moodles with ease, I used the MoodleFramework mod, so it's required.
Also, while not required, ModOptions can be used to toggle certain moodles on/off or their good/bad status.

Supported Languages


03 May 2023

ForagingZ Add and fix Foraging zones on Vanilla map - Add 801 Nav zones (more cars, crash etc...) - Add 2185 DeepForest zones (~40% have Camp or not...) - Add 212 Forest zones - Add 120 missing TownZone zones

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  1. Paul (Ua)
    Paul (Ua) [Guests]
    23 December 2023 16:22

    add please Ukrainian language. 

    ENG downpour - дощдливо UA
    ENG mostly cloudy - трохи прохолодно/більш прохолодно UA
    ENG windy - вітряно UA
    ENG Misty - туманно UA
    ENG Heavy snowfall - сильний снігопад UA
    ENG Tropical Storm - Тропічний шторм UA
    ENG Sunny - Сонячно UA
    ENG Starry - Ніч UA 

    it's not just translate trough google, i'm Ukrainian and i can write it correctly.