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Better Electronics  

Upload: 05 Jul 2023, 04:58
Created by: Luno Lycaon [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Electronics

Hello, This is my first Mod for Project Zomboid.

I realised that A LOT of People saidthat "there is no need to level the Electronics Skill past level 6", so I thought I could make a mod to change that.
As an Electrician myself I was immediately thinking about a lot of ways electricity could be implemented in the Game better so here we go for now...

As said the mod is aimed on giving the Electronics Skill a Purpose on Higher Levels. So the new Stuff comes mostly with a high Skill-treshhold. It's quite Powerful tho, if used properly.

New Items:
- 8 Recipe Magazines for Upgrading Walkie Talkies, Radios, Ham Radios, Crafting Speakers, Motion Sensors and Remotes
- 4 Circuit Diagrams which can be crafted by reverse-engineering electronic devices -> used by high level Electricians to craft some of the Magazines above
- 3 Higher Tier Noise Makers which will attract Zombies from a wider Range than the Vannially ones - Compatible with Remotes and Motion-Sensors
- 3 Higher Tier Remotes which let's you trigger connected Stuff from way more far away than the Vanilla-Ones
- An Electronics Kit for Practicing which with the use of some Materials helps you get to the Higher Levels without dismanteling all the TV's in the neighbouhood

New Recipes:
- Scavenge in Electronics-Scraps for Useful Components
- Craft Upgrade Magazines from circuit-Diagrams (If you're Electronics Level is High Enough)

The new Magazines should spawn in Bookshops and a-like-places and the Electronics-Kit is a thing Children usually would use ;)

I plan to add more functionalities to that mod like automated doors and better Generators/ Solar Stuff/ Wind Turbines - however I still need to get used coding in LUA so that can take some time.

FOOL's New Containers 10 MB

FOOL's New Containers

15 Jun 2023
1 187

A collection of 100ish item and water containers with 3D models, animations (for some but not all), and icons. Included is a lore-friendly loot table, and sandbox options to change how often containers appear. None of these items should conflict with any other mod!

Water Dispenser

Water Dispenser

13 Aug 2022
2 349

In this mod I try to make everything as Vanilla as possible. - Dispenser have 250 unit of water like the vanilla dispenser. - Water Jug can be filled with gasoline for a total of 250 units.

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