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In Game Menu v1.0.8  

Upload: 05 Oct 2022, 14:14
Created by: RareKiwi [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.0.8
In Game Menu v1.0.8

Debug menu I have been using to load and test stuff.
Not much content yet but;

- Level Selector
- Settings Menu
- Status/Player Menu
- Mod Information Menu
- Server Browser Menu

- Increase player lobby limit.
- Custom map info/image support
- Mod info support
- Show supported mods and versions between host/client (needs testing)
- Blueprint loading
- Blueprint widget integration for mod makers (new menus and config menus)

- Ensure the checksum check is UNTICKED in your game options to play with others

- Double-tap the "DeployMenu" key to open. (default M)
- Alternative keybind is = equals
- Hold alternative keybind to force load back to lobby.

Extract the download, then;
Put the file; pakchunk999-InGameMenu_P.pak into your game's pak folder location.
Located at the location below in your game install.
\Ready Or Not\ReadyOrNot\Content\Paks

Ensure earlier pakchunk99-InGameMenu_0_P.pak isn't present in Paks folder
Not compatible with No Upper Right Hud (this mod does the same thing)
Conflicts with Console Unlocker - Camera Mod, enable the mod patch in IGM mods menu.

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