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Resident Evil 4 Remake Enemy Trainer v1.1.0  

Upload: 31 May 2023, 02:44
Created by: Raz0r [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Resident Evil 4 Remake Enemy Trainer v1.1.0

How to install and run the trainer:

  1.  Download and install RE Framework.
  2.  Extract the 'reframework' folder from the .zip archive with a tool of your choice, I recommend Mod manager installation is supported too.
  3.  Copy/move the 'reframework' folder into "RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4\". A pretty standard installation path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\RESIDENT EVIL 4  BIOHAZARD RE4\" <- the 'reframework' folder should go here.
  4. Once ingame, the trainer will initialize after a few seconds. You can open and close the REFRAMEWORK overlay with the Insert key.
  5. Make sure it's loaded by checking ScriptRunner and PluginLoader for errors - you should see "Loaded plugins: re4r_em_trainer" and no errors. The trainer settings can be found inside the overlay, under Script Generated UI => RE4 Remake Enemy Trainer by Raz0r.

List of features:

  • Bindable hotkeys for almost everything(no defaults)
  • Enemy ESP(Health bar/distance/damage overlays)
  • Enemy scale
  • Enemy speed
  • Enemy ignore player
  • Enemy one hit kill
  • Customizable for different enemy types(enable ESP to see names)

 Consider binding hotkeys for Enemy One Hit Kill options and toggle them on/off as necessary - they can cause game breaking bugs!
 If you're having bugs/issues, check ScriptRunner/PluginLoader for errors, as well as upload your re2_framework_log.txt.

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