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SexLab Nude Creatures 3.3.0  

Upload: 27 Oct 2022, 06:28
Created by: lordescobar666 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

Starting with version 3.4 SLNC will now only be distributed as part of MNC to avoid confusion. Creature Framework RC11 now also provides some means to configure it with json files. Because of this SLNC looses its last unique feature and the only thing that's left are some esps with armor records and some json config files. To the best of my knowledge MNC is the only mod that utilizes those records and therefore I decided to cease releasing SLNC as separate mod. For people that refrained from using MNC because of DB and DG dependencies MNC now comes with a fomod installer that allows to install only the parts of MNC that have no dependency to DB and DG.

Requires: Sex Animation Framework, Creature Framework, JContainers, Dawnguard, Dragonborn

  • v3.4.0
  • * Added new critters
  • * Removed json config part (CF has its own now)
  • * SLNC will now only be distributed as part of MNC
Non SexLab Animation Pack 12.18 MB

Non SexLab Animation Pack NSFW

27 Oct 2022
1 763

Non SexLab Animations Pack (NSAP) was a mod which was used to bridge the gap between animators make new animations and updates to the SexLab Framework (SLF) where new animations would be added.

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