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[DLTX] Bullethole Decals  

Upload: 24 May 2022, 10:15
Created by: Ni7L5T [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
[DLTX] Bullethole Decals

Mod that adds bulletholes to npcs etc. Converted to DLTX!

Bullethole Decals but converted into DLTX (MUCH THANKS TO "L4U6H1N6-LUN4T1C" for helping me out on this one!)

I find the game is lacking with the gore so i did some editing with texture files and configs to make this.

NOTE: The decals can look weird sometimes especially on certain enemies or npcs with full body armor. Also the decals dont appear from a very long range.

Also i am using the "Gore Mod Port addon" for those blood decals on walls etc.. you can find it HERE!

I HIGHLY recommend using "BOTZ - BLOOD OF THE ZONE" for those nice decals as shown above! you can find it HERE!

Something to mention is that the size of the decals can vary with the weapon being used for example a shotgun blast will have very small decals but a wide spread and lots of decals. There is a way to change those values but at them moment i will not touch those.

If you want you can change the values yourself in the "weapon_ammo.ltx" located in Gamedata/configs/items/weapons.

Look for the ammo type and check for a line called "wm_size" (for example on 9x19mm its 0.041) The higher the number the bigger the decal that appears on each shot.

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