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Ready Or Not Fire Mode Check HUD (Skin for FireModeCheck by Ishmaeel)  

Upload: 20 Nov 2022, 20:25
Created by: Fedia [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ready Or Not Fire Mode Check HUD (Skin for FireModeCheck by Ishmaeel)

You must first install FireModeCheck by Ishmaeel in order for it to work, I also advise you to disable the text messages using MCM.


  • Unpack the archive.
  • Open the main file or optional files until you find the gamedata folder.
  • Move this to the root folder of the game, where it is located AnomalyLauncher.exe

Injury Audio Extended 12.75mb

Injury Audio Extended

17 May 2022

An addon for S.T.A.L.K.E.R Anomaly that extends the injury mechanic for NPCs. Vanilla and additional sounds have been specifically picked to suit each faction and each voice type, with muffled mask audio for NPCs that have gas masks on!

Stealth 2.1.3 Updated: 10-11-2022, 22:05 39.53kb

Stealth 2.1.3

16 May 2022

Changed formula for NPC's detection. It is now heavily based on light and distance. Added weight, body state, memory and many other factors. Flashlights/headlamps/campfires are now giving visibility boost to enemy. Modified luminosity itself (a lot). For version: 1.5.1.

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