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Better Vanilla Nude  

Upload: 23 Oct 2023, 12:03
Created by: StarLoddy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Better Vanilla Nude

Finally got around to making a custom mesh, for No Bras In Space.
Many different body types to come.

First variation is the long requested better vanilla nude body. I didn't mess with the original too bad, just feminized the body a bit and added titty and ass crease [:

Should work with modloaders.

Manual install: Drop in C:\Users\StarLoddy\Documents\My Games\Starfield

No Bras in Space 20.9MB

No Bras in Space NSFW

18 Sep 2023
1 763

Handmade textures, painstaking time booting the game to test them out a million times, got me to these final results. Works pretty great now :D

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