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April 45th assault on Koenigsberg  

Upload: 16 Apr 2022, 08:51
Created by: Kaliony
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
April 45th assault on Koenigsberg

Map: 384*384
Player: USSR
Opponent: Germany
Map: Kaliony
Mission: Kaliony
Testing: Vovan, misurata, Zombi_72, Bogdan
Information support: -IG-

Welcome all. I am posting the mission "April 45th" about the assault on Koenigsberg. This is a bit of an alternative version of those events, so don't be too hard on the historicity. Please excuse me for not correcting the errors according to the comments of Bogdan, Misurata, Vovan and other testers. The mission source has been irretrievably lost. If I fix it, the mission will be 100% redone.

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