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Sugar Baby 2.2 (Patreon) 

Upload: 21 Feb 2024, 21:50
Last updated: 22-02-2024, 11:23
Created by: MaiaGame [X]
Uploaded by: PLGDante
Version: 2.2
Edit Reason: Added Extension + Description - 22-02-2024, 11:23 » [PLGDante]
Sugar Baby 2.2 (Patreon)

Hi everyone,

Here I am again with the mod I told you so much about, I hope you are ready for the demo video and the article below 😉

I ask you, please read all the information carefully 🙏

👉 Romantic relationship must be level 50 for menu to display 👍

👉 The Sugar Baby trait was created for a woman and uncle for a man (given that we cannot dissociate the sexes of the sims, I did it according to my desire, my ideas, my creativity and also according to my vision of the Sugar Baby). The Sugar Baby and uncle feature are for young adult(s) to elderly(s).

👉 Your simette, even if she is married or engaged, can have one or more uncles.

👉 As a woman, I wanted to have a strong, confident, self-assured Sugar Baby, in short, Girl Power! 👑

👉 Item prices for outings have been adapted for the mod 💳

👉 I wanted a mod that stood out from ordinary life (work, eating, sleeping 😂). A mod that makes me dream! 🥂

Changes were made for both versions on 01/23/2022.

It will no longer be possible for your Sugar Baby to ask a member of their family to be their Daddy (father, cousin, uncle, brother, etc.).

Even if you use the Ui Cheats to increase the romantic relationship, the interaction will not appear.

I hope these changes will clarify things. I hadn't had the idea of asking my sim's father, for example, to be her Daddy, that seemed strange to me! 🤔

👅 Sugar Baby could be interesting to use with WickedWhims!

Install the mod

- Download the mod

- Extract files

- Place the files in your mods folder (no subfolder) without forgetting the XML Injector.

Only one version of the mod in your folder
🔴 Only install one version of the mod. If you have an old version, delete it and install the new one (including the free version).

Description of the trait
Being a Sugar Baby is a real lifestyle. These sims particularly enjoy being pampered by other more fortunate sims. They exchange their company for simoleons in order to have fun in luxury boutiques, trips, etc. But, they are also proud, demanding, self-confident simoles! Independent simettes who know exactly what they want! The Sugar Baby decides who becomes her sugar uncle and can break up at any time. She gets a boost in her romantic relationships. Their fun and social needs increase more quickly. And to make the most of it, the Sugar Baby gets less tired than the other sims!

Introduce yourself to a male sim and ask “Offer to be his sweet uncle”

Extension Sugar Baby Odd Jobs  Download

🇬🇧 Hello everyone,

I'm adding about fifteen little jobs especially for your Sugar Baby! 💄

She'll be paid for her presence, giving her the opportunity to earn more 👛

The "Sugar Baby" skill (Sugar Baby v2.2) is required, and of course, your Sugar Baby must have at least one Daddy 👍

Depending on the skill level, your Sugar Baby will have access to more rewarding propositions 💸

Your Sugar Baby will have access to 5 more lucrative odd jobs by improving its "odd jobs" rating.

If successful, your Sugar Baby will improve her romantic relationship with her Daddy.

If, on the contrary, she fails, her romantic relationship with Daddy will drop 😢

If the little jobs don't show up directly, you'll have to wait until the next day etc. because it's a random system 👍

Have fun!

Kisses ❤️️💋

Ps: exclusive icons and customization of all texts.


  • 12/11/23: Correction of the schedules for small jobs. There will be no more "as soon as possible" but real schedules. This will allow your Sugar Baby to organize herself better. Please delete your version and re-download the current version, it has been updated (links).
Weed Wallpaper

Weed Wallpaper NSFW

04 Mar 2024

1. Transform your Sims 4 game with this stunning Weed Wallpaper pack, featuring vibrant and intricate designs that will bring a touch of nature into your virtual world.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. Alittleloe
    Alittleloe [Guests]
    22 February 2024 10:31

    It doesn't work. Does it work for you guys. I think it's outdated

    1. PLGDante
      PLGDante [Chief editors]
      22 February 2024 11:18

      I´ll have a look. There is an extension for this mod. I´ll upload later. Maybe it works with the mod

    2. mamimumemorgan
      mamimumemorgan [Users]
      2 March 2024 19:20

      It doesn't work either on me. The menu display doesn't pop out