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Devious Desires Mod Installation Guide

Upload: 17 Mar 2022, 19:18
Created by: ColonolNutty
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

How to install the DeviousDesires mod correctly
- Author of the guide: maksimko12
- Download the latest version of DeviousDesires

We noticed that many users often have questions about the operation and installation of the DeviousDesires mod. Therefore, I decided to tell in detail how to install it correctly so that the mod functions properly.


  • First, clear the game cache. Those who already use DD and have problems with it, delete all files and folders associated with this mod, including the mods log folder, which is located at: Documents-Electronic Arts-The Sims 4.
  • Download the sims4communitylib library  from the official site and install all the files from the archive into the Mods folder no deeper than one subfolder. It is necessary for the operation of absolutely all mods from ColonolNutty.
  • Create a folder named for example "DeviousDesires" and place it in the "Mods" folder. Download the DeviousDesires mod itself. Open the archive and extract all the files and a folder called "deviousdesires_features" into the "DeviousDesires" folder you created. A folder called "mod_data" is installed in the root of the "Mods" folder.
  • Download and install the  Mod Settings Menu (MSM) mod . It serves to ensure that all mod settings are displayed in the game. It can be installed both in the "Mods" folder, no deeper than one subfolder, or in the folder with the mod itself, but without subfolders.
  • Download and install the required  Custom Slider Framework and  CSF Adult Body Sliders mods . You can also install them in the folder with the DD mod itself without subfolders.
  • Install crackers in those folders where the files of the mods appropriate for them are located. 
  • You can also install the  Cruxmyth Customization.json file created by another author. It serves to integrate animations from the WW mod into the DD mod. The file must be installed at: Electronic Arts/Sims 4/Mods/mod_data/deviousdesires/animation customization.

That's basically it. Only in this scenario  will the DeviousDesires  mod work correctly.

- Take note of the fact that ColonolNutty himself spoke about, that the mod is created using the official licensed game from Origin and on some pirated versions of the game it may give errors. And not even so much the mod itself, but the library.
- In addition, let's mention one more fact: all modules for DD are optional (optional). You can install them all, or whatever you see fit. All modules are located in the "deviousdesires_features" folder.
- When updating a mod, do not delete the "mod_data" folder, as it contains all your settings for DD. Update there only those files that have been updated with the release of a new version of the DD (if any).
- DeviousDesires is currently an independent mod by WickedWhims. It does not break WW and is not broken by it.

If you still have bugs created directly by CN mods, you can report them on the official  CN Discord channel.

Wicked Mermaids

Wicked Mermaids

17 Mar 2022
20 746

Wicked Succubi allows your sim to become the sex demon of legend. It’s my first true occult state and the first true occult state modded into any sims game. That is, unlike a pseudo occult state such as Daughter of the Easter Hare, Succubi are tracked by the game’s occult tracker system.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. u
    urfriendlygoober [Guests]
    15 February 2025 01:24

    How do I force other sims into doing it?

  2. G
    Guest Shiro [Guests]
    21 January 2025 08:55

    Someone please help! I followed all of the instructions but there is no Mod Settings Menu when I shift click on my sim.

  3. c
    carwraek [Guests]
    19 January 2025 08:38

    So far it looks like I have the mod working properly, however the “rapist” and “victim” traits are nowhere to be found. Any advice?

    1. b
      bago [Guests]
      9 February 2025 05:20

      what did you do to get it to work its not working for me, even when i followed the download guid thinhg snd got the core thing

  4. y
    yenzuma [Users]
    11 February 2024 15:15

    To anyone indicating that the mod doesn't work, the goober who made this guide forgot to tell you that you need another essential component to use Devious Desires, which is the DeviantCore. 

    You can search it up or use this link to download it :

    1. p
      pedrofaria339 [Users]
      5 May 2024 10:47

      But isn't that already within the Devious Desires Mod? It says so in the mod page.

  5. K
    KayE30 [Guests]
    31 October 2023 19:00

    I've tried numerous times to install this mod but when I do my game won't even log in. It just keeps spinning. Any suggestions??

  6. s
    sherea [Guests]
    31 July 2023 20:37

    Has anyone gotten it to work yet? I have followed all of the steps correctly and still nothing is working

  7. W
    Wolfy [Guests]
    16 January 2023 21:18

    i've done everything but the traith works but the rest of the mod no

    1. N
      Namename [Guests]
      11 May 2023 00:29

      Same for me.

    2. M
      Mumbsie22 [Guests]
      15 October 2023 23:30

      I have everything working except when I choose romantic or sexual interaction the sim walks up to the other and as soon as they start to ask they go into a T pose and are reset. Trying to find answers but we all see how that's going

  8. E
    Exdelian [Guests]
    2 January 2023 13:50

    Lovense App is not working trouble

    1. I
      Idk [Guests]
      24 July 2023 08:12

      Me to