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Patreon Exclusive Content by Sims4you  

Upload: 31 Mar 2022, 10:16
Created by: sims4you [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Patreon Exclusive Content by Sims4you

Download links :
1. Download exclusive content (15 sims so far) - Patreon Exclusive Content  (1 GB)
2. Free content (2 GB)

Hot sims of any race for your game, fantasize! :)

Requirements :
1# All my sims use the default body from Wicked Whims so you will need this mod to make them work properly. You can download it here , but I'm pretty sure everyone already has it, right?

2# in case you already have the same CC from my file in your mods, always! replace it. Don't worry, I never delete any of the swatches included in the original CC, but I very often add new swatches and textures that my beauties use, always using the CCs from the last loaded sim. Unfortunately, in the Download section, these beauties are not in the correct order, you can always check the section ready for download, they are in the correct order there from top to bottom. None of the CCs included in my file are made by me and I do not take any credit for them.

3# is absolutely not required, but in case you're wondering why my Sims look a little different in my screenshots than in your game, it's because I'm using reshade. Its a very useful tool to make your game graphics look better, you can download it here for free and then you can search for many permutations made by many creators on the internet. I personally use Sun Breeze, you can find it here, it's a very nice preset, but I lowered the saturation because it was too colorful. Keep in mind that some presets will eat up some of your fps, but you can cofingure them however you want, it's very easy. My personal changes were... Saturation to 1.5, Vibrance to 0.1, and if you have a big fps drop, you can disable GaussianBlur, that will help.

You can see all screenshots in the source below.

Femboy Finn 1.01 GB

Femboy Finn NSFW

18 Dec 2023
8 736

My femboy character :) Enjoy and feel free to let me know what you think and to share pics of fun you're having, I'd love to see them and hear about it

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