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Romantic Surprise Proposal Interactions  

Upload: 19 Mar 2022, 17:49
Last updated: 28-04-2023, 08:43
Created by: Mercuryfoam [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Romantic Surprise Proposal Interactions

-made with patch 1.96
-Base game compatible

Important: Please read 'Known Issues' before downloading.


This mod adds 3 interactions under the romantic pie menu: 

  • Caress Hand, 
  • Seated Propose and 
  • Surprise Propose. 

Caress Hand and Seated Propose will only appear if sim is sitting.
Surprise Propose
isavailable whilestanding.

For Seated propose, there is a chance for your sim to be rejected. Surprise Propose is a definite road to engagement. 

This mod was originally built for the picnic table but I decided to make it available for other two-seater furniture. Hence, there are known issues.

Compatible two-seater furniture:

- picnic table,
- ottoman,
- bench,
- sofa,
- single bed,
- double bed, and
- hot tub

Requires the XML Injector

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