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Archaeology Career  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 16:11
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Archaeology Career

Unlike my previous career, the Adventurer Career, this is a more realism based type career. Want a taste of what it’s like to be a real archaeologist? The pay is ridiculously low and the work is hard plus it takes forever to gain any real respect in your field. If you play this career, be sure to read the career level descriptions that my best friend, the real archaeology acolyte, helped write. The biting reality of the descriptions can get quite snarky and humorous. Although this career is different than my previous one, because it uses the Archaeology skill, it still requires the Jungle Adventure GP.

You don’t need to take anywhere near as many trips to Selvadorada in this career as you do with my Adventurer Career but you do still get extra vacation days to start off this career with. Oh, I also created a brand new interaction for this career! Now you can write research papers on any computer to gain promotions and increase your archaeology skill. The papers take about an hour or two to write.

This career does not have upper branches but I might add those later. For more information, click on the blue boxes below or skip them if you’d rather be surprised and learn by playing.

Here are the features currently included in this career mod:

  • This career has ten levels in all and each has a unique, must-read job level description.
  • Includes a new custom interaction for computers called “Write Research Paper” which is both a promotion task and increases your Sim’s Archaeology skill.
  • Most career levels include themed, related promotion tasks.
  • Each career level promotion includes a monetary bonus and some include a useful object bonus
  • The career begins with a medium amount of vacation days so that you are able to spend some time in Selvadorada achieving career goals, gaining needed skills, and collecting artifacts.

Here are all the career’s levels:

  1. Student – 8/hr 10hrs MTWTF – You will start out at the bottom in the dirt, scraping that dirt one small layer at a time with a trowel looking for whatever the higher-ups tell you is important enough for them to be out here for. You’re lucky to be paid anything at all, they tell you, as they are also kind enough to tell you everything you are doing wrong. Just keep your cool and focus.
  2. Intern – 15/hr 8hrs MTWTFS – Ah the joy of doing what you truly love and getting paid next to nothing for it as you toil away in the sun and muck! I hope you got your tetanus shot like we told you to. At least you’re one step above those pathetic students now. One thing you’ll learn about this job is that half of it is about gaining/earning prestige and until you actually have some…
  3. Technician – 25/hr 10hrs MTWTFS – Ah, the tedious fun of digging through buckets of dirt in a lab and sorting, labeling, and boxing it all back up – except for the fun days when you get to run the nuclear reactor that dates things. At least you’re starting to get a semi-decent paycheck now. You must continue to stay focused on your studies and continue improving your skills to progress in this career.
  4. Assistant Instructor – 45/hr 6hrs MTWTF – Although only a part-time position with pay to match, you get to enjoy what you’re doing and look forward to the class material. Also, there’s the knowledge that your students’ parents can’t just complain and make you go away, like in high school.
  5. Adjunct Instructor – 65/hr 8hrs MTWTF – An adjunct instructor is an assistant instructor with a different title, and you can now ask for coffee, rather than bringing it. That counts as your benefits, and will be reflected on your paycheck. Yay promotions!
  6. Museum Preservationist – 95/hr 8hrs MTTFS – In this position you get to work with your hands in putting together artifacts like a puzzle to re-piece them. Nobody said being an archaeologist wasn’t about getting your hands dirty. Just make certain your work is beyond perfection or you will not only be fired but ridiculed for all eternity until someone is able to, hopefully, rectify your mistakes.
  7. Museum Curator – 110/hr 10hrs MTWTF – As museum curator you get to manage collections of artifacts and create posses to hunt down the schoolchildren responsible for sticking gum on them while keeping a fake smile on your face the whole time.
  8. Tenured Professor – 150/hr 8hrs MTWTF – You have finally reached that point that all academics crave: a steady and no longer laughable sized paycheck. 
  9. Head Curator – 250/hr 8hrs MTWT – You now get the glory of seeing your name on souvenir books from exhibits, and it’s BIGGER than everyone else’s. You also get to be on PBS whenever an art special comes on.
  10. Endowed Professor – 500/hr 6hrs TWT – You have reached the top. You are now an Endowed Professor and Esteemed Fellow. You are the god of the ancients to those in the present. You do it all: publish books… appearances on television… even advise on movies! Well done Doctor!
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1 566

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