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Crafter’s Corner Lot Trait  

Upload: 01 May 2022, 17:01
Created by: simularity [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Crafter’s Corner Lot Trait

Homemade crafts are the best crafts, aren’t they? With this new lot trait, your Sims can learn crafting skills faster than normal and create better than crafts than the average Sim! Although the main focus of this lot trait is knitting, it also works for other crafting skills including Fabrication, woodworking, Flower Arranging, and more. Although Base Game compatible, to get the full benefit of this lot trait, you’ll need other packs listed below in the blue boxes. If you don’t have the other packs, the code won’t affect your game negatively. As long as you have at least one of the needed packs, you’re good to go with this lot trait. Click on the Lot Trait Features box below for more details.

Prom Night Event 156.0 kB

Prom Night Event

14 May 2022
1 036

This mod allows your Sims to attend prom! They will have the option to go with someone or go alone. Some goals might include doing something with your "prom date", but this also works with other students who show up for prom! There will also be attendants at the graduation party.

VAMPIRES - Can Kill 29 KB


27 Mar 2022
2 787

If he drinks thoroughly, then you yourself understand how it will all end. The author also replaced the animation when asked to drink blood. The vampire will now bite on the neck instead of the arm.

My Little Neighborhood

My Little Neighborhood

03 Apr 2022
1 097

We don’t have Open Worlds or Open Neighborhoods, so i often feel like the World around my Sims Home is too empty. So i wanted to be able to use my 64x64 Lot to seperate it into “my Lot” and a Park plus Cáfe “next to it”.

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