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Instant Morning Sickness  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 17:17
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Instant Morning Sickness

What does this mod do?
Basically it will remove the morning sickness buff your sim gets 2-3 hours prior to vomiting. You sim will still get morning sickness and they still vomit. Keep in mind though, not all sims get morning sickness and some have it worse than others.

Why did you create this?
If you're anything like me, I never use the pregnancy test in the game. I like my sims pregnancies to be surprises. Unfortunately, having a buff appear and last for a few hours gave away the surprise. Now, with this if you don't see them vomit you won't know they are pregnant till they officially find out they are pregnant with the trimester buffs.

No Fear of Fire 1.4 KB

No Fear of Fire

13 Sep 2022
1 159

This is a simple mod that disables the fear of fire fear that came with the wants and fears update. Sims will no longer be able to acquire the trait/fear. It does not change any moodlets related to fires that existed prior to the wants and fears update.

Call a Babysitter

Call a Babysitter

03 Apr 2022
1 007

You can now call a Babysitter via the Phone (Household Menu). Your Sim will send a Text to your choosen Sim instead of calling them. The Babysitter will arrive a few Minutes later, will stay up to 6 hrs and will cost 15 $ per hrs.

Harvestable Yellow Squash

Harvestable Yellow Squash

18 Jul 2022

- Yellow Squash can be found under 'Misc Appliances' . Yellow Squash is tagged as a Veggie so can be eaten raw or used in recipes which require veggie as a cooking ingredient.

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