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Ghosts Can Have Babies!  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 17:49
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ghosts Can Have Babies!

I was talking with fellow simmers Sobenewbie and Zebstrika over on Discord and they mentioned about ghosts being able to be in relationships and get married but couldn't have kids. I myself see why they can't but I also like having them get pregnant too just like my fellow simmers do. I had never played a ghost in the game and rarely ever saw one so they helped me out by answering all my questions I had about the ghosts and so I offered to create this mod!

I did some research and was unable at the time to find a mod that allowed ghosts to try for baby and get pregnant. All I was able to find was cheats to try to get it to happen. For me thats to much of a hassle lol

Special Thanks to: Sobenewbie and Zebstrika for all your help over at Discord!

What does this mod do?
This unlocks the interaction "Try for Baby" for ghosts so they can to get pregnant.

Selectable Pets 55 KB

Selectable Pets

08 Apr 2022
1 168

Not sure why EA made cats and dogs unplayable characters. This mod will make them selectable/playable. They have their own needs and behaviors to choose from. The choices are a bit sparse at the moment, but hopefully, more interactions can be modded in for them.

New Walkstyle Mod

New Walkstyle Mod

10 Jul 2022

Want to add a little personality to your character? What about walking style? Agree, because the gaming ones are already rather fed up and you want to bring something new to the game ?! What if your character is supposed to limp? Or walking fast?

BG - Walkby Overhaul 88 KB

BG - Walkby Overhaul

13 Apr 2022

Works the same as before, but better... you'll see only residents around in residential neighbourhood, less sims from other world in general in venues too, the game will always try to pick residents first. Place some sims not in world to not reduce too much the walkby around.

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