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Alien Bloodlines  

Upload: 11 Jul 2022, 08:45
Last updated: 28-04-2023, 09:41
Created by: baniduhaine [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Alien Bloodlines

If MAL22's Trait Tracker Injector isn't working for you, here's the list of cheats to add the traits manually until the trait tracker works for you properly. It's working perfectly fine for me, but I don't like people encountering issues that keep them from enjoying the bloodlines so here they are.

Several existential crises later, I ended up finally finishing the next installment of “giving Bloodlines to other Occults because only Spellcasters got those”. Presenting the long-awaited Alien Bloodlines! Which had been awaited since like, two weeks ago, tops.

This mod requires MAL22′s Trait Tracker Injector, and will not work without it.

Much like the Spellcaster bloodlines in-game as well as my Vampire and Mermaid Bloodline mods, these traits will provide your Aliens with some boosts the further along the family line they are, so a newly spawned Alien won’t compare to an Alien whose great-grandparents were also Aliens!

These Alien Bloodline traits follow the same inheritance rules as the original Spellcaster traits, starting at the first-gen Alien, then following the trend of Weak -> Strong -> Ancient.

There are two versions, but first, let’s go over the perks.

Weak Alien Bloodline:

  • Logic skill gained 10% faster
  • Rocket Science skill gained 10% faster
  • 10% faster performance gain in Scientist, Astronaut, and Tech Guru careers
  • Energy* decays 10% slower

Strong Alien Bloodline:

  • Logic skill gained 20% faster
  • Rocket Science skill gained 20% faster
  • 20% faster performance gain in Scientist, Astronaut, and Tech Guru careers
  • Energy* decays 20% slower

Ancient Alien Bloodline:

  • Logic skill gained 30% faster
  • Rocket Science skill gained 30% faster
  • 30% faster performance gain in Scientist, Astronaut, and Tech Guru careers
  • Energy* decays 50% slower

* This is where the two versions come in. Considering how stumped I was about what perks to give Aliens for this, I ended up trying to fix up Nyx’s Enhanced Aliens mod. You can get Enhanced Aliens close to its original form here or if you use any other mods that might conflict with reward traits/aging up aliens, you can use my alternate-unlock-criteria version here.

If you use that, choose the nyxCompatible version! Don’t install that version if you don’t have Nyx’s Enhanced Aliens, as I made that version target the decay and expense of Brain Power, and your Aliens will only have that commodity if they are Enhanced Aliens.

The regular version is the one that targets energy. Choose only one, I can’t stress this enough!


Inappropriate To Marry FIX

Inappropriate To Marry FIX

05 May 2022
1 031

So what did I do to fix this? I removed the codes that told the game to check job situation. With this gone, a job situation of any kind shouldn't interfer with whom you want to marry. However, for some reason I am unable to get it to work fo the wedding arch, you can still elope just fine.

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