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Auto-Zodiacs 1.2  

Upload: 30 Jul 2022, 08:44
Last updated: 30-07-2022, 12:47
Created by: llazyneiph [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Edit Reason: Added German Translation - 30-07-2022, 12:47 » [PLGDante]
Auto-Zodiacs 1.2


Updated to work correctly with new whims.


Long awaited fix to a very annoying bug where the mod was a little too generous with toddlers and gave them multiple zodiac signs.

- Toddlers will now no longer get multiple zodiac signs
- Twins & triplets will now have the same birth sign as each other!
- Mod no longer overwrites the toddler trait and is more compatible with other mods.
- Support for custom pronouns added.

Your sims now have zodiacs!
This mods adds the 12 western zodiac signs to the game, and automatically adds them to babies when they are born.
The zodiacs also subtly affects your sims personality!

How to Play - LINK
Requires XML Injector - LINK
MAL22 Trait Injector - LINK
How to Install XML Injector and the Trait Injector - LINK

For Translators

Strings for translation in:

  • LN_Z - Zodiac STRINGS

I hope this mod fleshes out your gameplay a little more and adds a bit more fun!

German Translation by PLGDante - Download

Traits Remade In CAS v1.2

Traits Remade In CAS v1.2

03 Sep 2022
2 104

A traits pack of remaking 50+ in-game store/ reward traits in CAS. This is similar to ATICAS but I only keep those with actual gameplay effects that can be remade and add whims to make them more meaningful as CAS Traits.

Soju 2 MB


08 Jul 2022
2 020

Soju is a traditional Korean alcoholic beverage that is often featured in dramas. And now your characters will have the opportunity to try it! Soju can be easily taken out of the fridge, so you definitely won’t need the skill of mixing drinks and a bar counter!

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