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OMSP+ Series  

Upload: 15 Apr 2023, 13:12
Created by: Ravasheen [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
OMSP+ Series
My version of the OMSP+ has been a work in progress for years – I actually showed the original version of this in my very first livestream in February 2021!
What sets this version of OMSP(+) from existing options is that it gives you free, unlimited vertical placement even when it is not placed against a wall.
•• ━━━━━ Credit ━━━━━ ••
This builds on the shoulders of many others – starting from the original OMSP from the Sims 3 days to the infamous Sims 4 red OMSP by amoebae. So much credit goes to these creators for their work! I made the OMSP+ shelf red to pay homage to amoebae’s OMSP shelf which has been the go-to standard for years.
•• ━━━━━ Features ━━━━━ ••
  • Unlimited vertical placement when using positioners
  • Food doesn’t decay/spoil when slotted on the OMSP+ shelf
  • Flowers won’t wilt when placed on the OMSP+ shelf
  • Candle burn time is infinite when slotted on the OMSP+ shelf
  • Maids/sims cannot automatically clean up items on the OMSP+ shelf (books)
  • Visibility can be manually toggled in live mode
  • Shelf is auto-hidden on lot/game reload (no need to create a sim to go into live mode)
  • Shelf becomes temporarily visible when hovering in build/buy mode
  • Turn visibility on/off through the shelf and any item slotted to it
  • Items slotted to it are not removed on game/lot reload or wall/wallpaper changes
  • Shelf is live-draggable when visible
  • Placement posts are colored with a grid pattern to assist with height placement
•• ━━━━━ Slots ━━━━━ ••
  • Small: 60
  • Medium: 60
  • Large: 51
  • TV: 3
  • Centerpiece: 1
•• ━━━━━ How To Use ━━━━━ ••
  • Add one of the three placement posts on your lot where you want the OMSP+ shelf to be (you can also place directly against the wall)
  • Place the OMSP+ shelf against a placement post or wall
  • Freely adjust the vertical placement of the shelf without holding down ‘Alt’
  • Fine-tune positioning using the grid on the placement posts to get desired height
  • Once you are happy with the OMSP+ shelf placement, delete the placement post
  • Add clutter, TVs, and centerpieces to the OMSP+
  • Toggle the OMSP+ visibility in live mode buy clicking on the shelf or any item slotted to it
  • The shelf will be auto-hidden on lot/game reload if any of its slots are occupied

Ice Cream Truck Mod 3 MB

Ice Cream Truck Mod

07 May 2022

Did you miss ice cream truck in sims 4. Here, I'm making ice cream truck because I really miss it. You sim can ride that truck or purchase some ice cream. Hope you like.

40 traits / Traits Bundle 55 KB

40 traits / Traits Bundle

26 Mar 2022
1 502

This bundle adds 40 traits to your game! These traits focus on building relationships, needs, and skills! Some of these traits can mess with relationships, needs, and skills. No buffs are added to these traits, making it safer and less likely to have LE bugs in your game.

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