Red Bell Pepper
Heat Tolerant
Can handle heat waves so they don't dry out as fast.
Required Mods:
The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
This harvestable can be eaten and used in recipes. Like other in-game harvestables it can be planted and will grow into a garden plant that can be cared for using the Gardening skill.
Gojiberry can be found under 'Misc Appliances' . [ Search for ' Gojiberry ' the search bar for easy access]
This citrus tree is one of my favourite plants, but I hated those hanging cards or envelopes. I was very inspired with simsi45's Harvested Citrus edit and just wanted to have all the pot colours both with and without orange fruits. So I've made my own version.
Adds harvestable 6 varieties of grapes and vines to the game.