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Haven Lighting Preset - A Reshade Preset  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 10:44
Created by: simmancy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Haven Lighting Preset - A Reshade Preset


  • Made with Reshade 4.6.1 to be compatible with older versions - to install follow this guide if you would like to upgrade.
    • Requires Legacy AND Quint shaders
  • Place in: The Sims 4\Game\Bin
  • Edge-smoothing must be off for DOF to work properly!
  • Has hotkeys for DOF, ambient fog and bloom
Vivid Sweet FX Preset

Vivid Sweet FX Preset

09 Jun 2022
1 897

The Sims 4 seems to have a very boring coloring. A good option would be to use reshade, but it is very heavy and reduces the frame rate a lot.

Bloom GShade 🌷 by ellcrze

Bloom GShade 🌷 by ellcrze

25 Aug 2022
13 289

I wanted to create a more magical and colorful preset for my game since I was getting tired of my other two presets. I originally wasn't going to upload this anytime soon but after posting my first let's play some of you have noticed that I am using a different preset so here it is!

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