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Bloom GShade 🌷 by ellcrze  

Upload: 25 Aug 2022, 14:46
Created by: ellcrze
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Bloom GShade 🌷 by ellcrze

I wanted to create a more magical and colorful preset for my game since I was getting tired of my other two presets. I originally wasn't going to upload this anytime soon but after posting my first let's play some of you have noticed that I am using a different preset so here it is! ♡

IMPORTANT : If you want your game to look exactly pictured please download all lighting mods listed below.

Tutorial of GShade Installation :

Lighting Mods : milk thistle, ghibli clouds, cas lighting (city light), in-game sim lighting (bloom). no glo V2, no blu V2

Toggle Keys :

screenshot key : (print screen)

mxao 4.0.2 off/on (shift + F4)

mxao+2 4.0.2 off/on (shift + F4)

martymcflyDOF off/on (shift + F5) - use for screenshots

matsoDOF (Shift + F5) - use for screenshots

Preset File Location : C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 4\Game\Bin\shade-presets\custom

Vivid Sweet FX Preset

Vivid Sweet FX Preset

09 Jun 2022
1 902

The Sims 4 seems to have a very boring coloring. A good option would be to use reshade, but it is very heavy and reduces the frame rate a lot.

Sunblind 254 MB


27 Feb 2023
3 436

Sunblind is a fully custom, realistic lighting overhaul created for The Sims 4. Unlike my previous mods, none of the lighting in this mod is based on existing EA lighting and each world is individually tuned to ensure the best possible fit.

The minimum comment length is 10 characters.
  1. a
    aprilchokingnyo [Guests]
    16 May 2024 09:43

    you download folder have ZIP exe file? i dont understand how you install it and you post link video about gshade tutorial 1 year ago wheres the folder/preset download?

  2. p
    playing-sis [Guests]
    24 November 2023 14:08

    I used it before and I want to get it again because the file disappeared, can't I download it anymore? 

    1. Aqxaro
      Aqxaro [Admin]
      24 November 2023 20:22


  3. 1
    111 [Guests]
    10 November 2023 17:17
