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Mocktail Dispenser

Mocktail Dispenser

03 Nov 2023

Mocktail Dispenser is a small appliance that can be used to make different types non-alcoholic cocktails. It can be found in buy mode under "Appliances -> Small appliances". It costs 200$, and it comes in 3 different colors.

Keto Cookbook v.1.2

Keto Cookbook v.1.2

07 Jul 2023
1 307

Keto Cookbook is basically an enabler which allows you to cook my custom keto recipes. This mod will be updated with each new recipe added, so you'll need to make sure you keep it up-to-date to see all new recipes.

Soup Of The Day 35.27 MB

Soup Of The Day

28 Jun 2023
1 077

Sooo ... originaly I planned to make a few soups and to add them to the Keto Cookbook, however I ended up making 25 different types of soups, so it only made sence to create a custom pot for their preparation!

Cabernet Vineline

Cabernet Vineline

09 Jun 2023

When you first buy the plant you'll see only the watering interaction and after some hours you'll be able to collect the first patch of grown produce. Afterwards, the interaction will be available once a day.