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Kids Trampoline

Kids Trampoline

05 Jul 2022
1 080

Are you missing entertainment for kids and toddlers? Then install this children's trampoline for yourself! It can be used only by children and toddlers, it will satisfy their needs for entertainment, as well as improve their mobility and motor skills.

Beautiful Garden + Lovely Florist Mod

Beautiful Garden + Lovely Florist Mod

02 May 2022
1 253

Have you ever noticed that despite the fact that floristry is a great hobby, the plants themselves and the finished compositions leave much to be desired? Now your Sims can create truly beautiful flower arrangements, each vase is unique and will give your creations a whole new look.

Toddler Bunk bed 7 MB

Toddler Bunk bed

13 Apr 2022
1 089

This set contains 4 items - the frame of the upper and lower tiers, as well as mattresses for them. In addition, not only babies, but also children can sleep on the upper tier!

Dairy Cow Mod 15 MB

Dairy Cow Mod

01 Apr 2022
1 290

This is a joint project between Pandasama, Icemunmun and Mizore Yukii. The project started in November 2020 and finally ended after 3 months. This mod allows you to breed a cash cow, you can feed it and then collect milk that you can drink or sell for money.