Faster Lockpicking
This is just a simple mod that lowers the base lockpicking times, break chance, and buffs the lockpicking skill.
This is just a simple mod that lowers the base lockpicking times, break chance, and buffs the lockpicking skill.
More FPS by reducing the number of objects in the world generation. Added compatibility with UNDEAD LEGACY mod.
More cities being generated in the game's generator, and larger cities too, have a configuration that pushes mountains to the edges, making the center of the map cleaner. To put it, just replace the rgwmixer.xml in the 7 days to die/data/config folder
Allows the player to pickup all the player placed building blocks, Wood, Cobblestone, Concrete, and Steel.
Adds a shape selector menu to the Storage Box, allowing vanilla assets to be used as storage containers.
This is my first version to update a bit of Vietnamese for the whole Single Server game. Vietnameseize and install in mods folder
This modlet adds a bunch of extra dye colors and recipes.
Adds a 1% Cure Infection to Firstaid Bandages and Kits.
In Alpha 21, 7DTD developers will replace window models in cities and skyscrapers, which greatly reduce FPS, since they use separate models for each frame. But when will Alpha 21 be released? No one knows. So I changed the problematic models to the usual block shapes.
A simple xml edit that enables the purchase of basic medical loot from vending machines found in the world and at traders. The mod is compatible with Alpha 20.5 b2 (Vanilla), Alpha 20.6 b9 (Vanilla), and Alpha 20.5 b2 / Undead Legacy 2.5.82 (Overhaul). The mod is only required Server Side.
A mod that aims to add intituive and respectable changes without changing the game to the point of being unrecognizable and potentially unbalanced/broken.
This mod does not ADD any Weapons or Armor; what it does is - instead of some stats being determined by RNG, this sets all such stats to the highest value they could have naturally been rolled as.
Stun Batons as they are now feel... wrong to me, so I fixed them! This changes it from a utility weapon into a true melee weapon - hopefully without it being *too* strong
A mod that increases Vanilla and Undead Legacy Trader loot values. General Trader values for Min/Max Inventory and Min/Max Items Swapped are increased by +10. Specialized Undead Legacy Traders have their same values each increased by +5.