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100 Percent Save File ALL Items Level 160 Mule  

Upload: 28 Mar 2022, 15:16
Created by: TheBestEGirl [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro

100% Save File ready for PVP, Coop, or NG+. Includes every item available in one playthrough + through trading. Missing two gestures and Dung Eater + Nephali spirit ashes only.


This is the software you will need to actually use this save file. You will need to select both my and your own save, and copy the character over using it. Make sure to back up your own save first, in case you mess up.

100% Save File ready for PVP, Coop, or NG+. Includes every item available in one playthrough + through trading. Missing two gestures and Dung Eater + Nephali spirit ashes only.

Please note this *may* risk bans, and I have no clue if it will or will not, nor how to even add another's save file to your own game. I assume no responsibility for any such bans caused by this save file. All items were gathered legitimately over an almost 200 hour playthrough and then trading with a friend.

Simple Timed Backup 1.08mb

Simple Timed Backup

29 Mar 2022

This utility will create auto backups of a folder based on a time interval. It can take backups from Elden ring saves or any other files and folders. How to Use Make sure the source folder is correct and you don't have any other backup in that folder.

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