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Remove chromatic aberration 2.0  

Upload: 28 Mar 2022, 12:13
Created by: TechieW [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Remove chromatic aberration 2.0

Does not require running an external application or replacing files. You only need Elden Mod Loader which will automatically load the mod on startup.

Place the contents of "" inside your game folder, 
for example: "G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game\".

The mod loader will launch the mod when the game starts.

Stutter Ring Reshade 1.0 6KB

Stutter Ring Reshade 1.0

28 Mar 2022

I don't understand why the vanilla game has blue/greenish tint when there's a huge golden Erdtree glowing in the sky. So I made a lightweight ReShade preset that fixes the color temperature, sharpness and contrast of the game.

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