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deLuxe Makeup v0.3  

Upload: 02 Nov 2023, 18:03
Created by: Cilbas [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
deLuxe Makeup v0.3


Decided to add a pack of 9 alternative eye liner masks (6 Eyeliners + 2 Lower Eyeliners + 1 Waterline Eyeliner). Similarly to the Lip Liner, this mod replaces each of the 9 default eyeliners, for a more modern look. This update is completely independent from the Lip Liner, but 100% compatible. Combine eyeliner types for best results - The Waterline Eyeliner can be used independently but also acts as a bottom fill for most of the Eyeliners - Eyeliner #5 works best with Lower Eyeliner #1! Check out the screenshots!

NOTE: The player character's eye lids are not symmetrical (or smooth)! Pixel-perfect alignment is not possible, but other than that feel free to report mistakes, post suggestions, etc. in the comments.

No changes were made to the Lip Liner - no need to update it!

An alternative Lip Liner mask - a smooth gradient to better blend in with your lipstick.

So, full disclosure, this mask replaces the default one, making the lip liner effectively a lip gradient. This mod is for players that don't care much for the game's lip liner as is, and wouldn't mind losing it in favour of more colour variance for their lipstick.

The current version is very light – meaning the colours of certain shades are barely visible, this is so specific shades blend in naturally with the lipstick (see screenshots). Keep in mind the effect is more noticeable in-game!

The mask image is by no means high quality due to the format's (.dds) compression, but it's still much better than the original, and it looks smooth in-game.

This mod can be installed automatically via NMM.

Manual Installation
1. Your game must have mods enabled! Follow the instructions here or try this new method by InsanePlumber (FASTER LOADING TIME).
2. Download
3. Extract
4. Copy/move the contents to the game's Data folder (...\Fallout 4\Data) and merge the folders when prompted.
5. Play the game


Eye Liner Masks
Lip Liner Mask

Unique followers v4.1 128.3MB

Unique followers v4.1

07 Sep 2023

This is an extension of the Unique Player mod by d_rail1602. It allows you to use custom female body and hand textures and meshes for Piper, Cait and Curie, and custom male body and hand textures and meshes for Deacon, Danse, MacCready, Garvey, X6-88 and Hancock.

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