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The Road to 56  

Upload: 23 Sep 2023, 21:32
Created by: Greatexperiment [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Road to 56

Road to 56 is a DLC-sized addition to your Hearts of Iron experience that has been lovingly crafted by a team of dedicated fanatics.

We've massively expanded the technology tree, extended the timeline to 1956, and developed some truly awesome alternate-history paths for nearly every country.

Fine Details:

Enhanced Non-Historical Outcomes

  • Road to 56 is all about alternate history and giving you lots of options to make a new world. If you want to run a purely historical game, this is not the mod for you.

...and More!

  • New units, troop experience system, expanded difficulty modifiers, new releasable nations, more lovely laws, and a whole bunch of other things that will make you more popular at parties.


  • Check our Discord or Reddit for upcoming content!
  • We've also set up a repository on GitHub if you want to contribute!


  • Greatexperiment: The Original Dude. 110% likely to be the guy.
  • Thinking_Waffle: The most historical of all.
  • SpicyAlfredo: Knows far too much about Canadian hockey, apparently.
  • JudgeAlfred: Don't ask him about the Alps Defense Pact. Just, really.
  • Abbus: Knows Arcane secrets.
  • Featherus: Actually a dragon, not a bird.
  • The Brit: Master of lists. Might give you coffee.
  • Fantom: Voted most likely to survive an alien invasion.
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