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Modern Glasses v1.4.0  

Upload: 21 Feb 2023, 20:48
Last updated: 6-03-2023, 09:21
Created by: AzurieWolf
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Version: 1.4.0
Modern Glasses v1.4.0

This mod replaces the "Silver Rimmed Circular Spectacles" and the "Gold Rimmed Circular Spectacles" with a pair of modern glasses.


1. Extract the downloaded “.zip” file.

2. Pick either the Normal Frames or the Big Frames.
    NOTE: You cannot use both Normal Frames and Big Frames at the same time! pick only one.

3. Place the “XXX.pak XXX.utoc XXX.ucas” files inside of your ~mods folder located in (Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods)

4. If no ~mods folder exists, then create one.


If you're having issues with this mod working with other mods, you can try the method below.

From what I've gathered; mods are loaded in order A-Z based on their file name. so, if your game is crashing, it is most likely that you have another mod installed that is causing conflict. to hopefully fix this issue, you can try to figure out what mod is causing it and change the first letter of that mod to something that comes before z so that this mod loads after the other one.

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  1. :3
    :3 [Guests]
    26 April 2023 18:42

    thanks for mods