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Dynamic Monologue [BETA]  

Upload: 03 May 2023, 14:36
Created by: hello there [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Dynamic Monologue [BETA]
Ever felt your character is too silent?
Do you want your character to actually feel lifelike?

Worry not, this problem is solved! Your character will now speak about various events in their PZ life, ranging from starting in their spawn house, to spotting and killing a zombie for the first time.
There's a lot of variability, with traits and occupations affecting what things your character says. When a pacifist realizes they have to fight zombies, they become depressed at the thought.
A normal survivalist activating a generator for their first time feels a lot of excitement, while an Electrician becomes thankful for their decision to study Electricity.


  • Different text when dropping a generator depending on how long you held it.
  • Baseball player cherishes when he finds a baseball bat, not so much when finding a baseball.
  • Character thinks what they should do during the day before realizing what's going on outside.
  • Killing a dozen of zombies with only stomps will cause your character to complain and state they need to find a weapon.
  • Cowardly characters think Knox Event is a nightmare that they need to wake themselves out of.
  • Different thoughts on various moodles depending on which moodle you stayed at the longest. For example, if you spent majority of your game very hungry, your character will state they need to eat tomorrow when peckish. If you spent majority of your game peckish, the character will state it's a perfect time to eat.
  • While putting up a sheet on a window, if your character is cowardly, they become scared at the thought a zombie might of noticed them while they were putting up the sheets.
  • Small chance for your character to speak when doing everyday activities [NOT FINISHED]
Planned Features
  • Implement more moodles into thought system.
  • Reacting to rain and fog.
  • Implement more actions into thought system (bandaging, starting/ending campfire etc.)
  • Different thoughts depending on amount of zombies spotted at once, your character's braveness, whether the weapon is melee or a gun (or lack of it) and kill count.
  • Panicking while opening a window makes your character desperate to open it.
  • More texts for X amount of waking up.
  • Small chance for your character to say stuff when smoking etc. daily pz activities
  • Hierarchy system, where your character won't complain that they're feeling slightly hungry while fighting many zombies.

As this mod isn't finished yet, I won't accept any translation work until I deem it complete for a 1.0 version.
1.0 Version will include 4th and 7th points from planned features.
This mod is heavily in beta and as such there might be bugs, including but not limited to: Errors, your character saying a code line (for example: UI_DM_WakingUp_FirstDay_General1 instead of the correct line) etc.

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Waifu Zombie

25 Aug 2022
5 127

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Lingering Whispers...

04 Nov 2022
1 835

Throughout your play-through, you may hear a singular murmur in the horde, a voice at the door as it tries to break in, pleading souls hidden away, lost minds of men giving guidance or begging for mercy as well as lot more.

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