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Ammo Maker for Brita's!  

Upload: 08 Aug 2022, 15:24
Created by: Zadrakos [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ammo Maker for Brita's!


Arsenal(26) GunFighter Mod
Ammo Maker

This adds in a compatibility patch for Ammo Maker to include ammo types found in Arsenal(26) GunFighter Mod, which is used by Brita's Weapon Mod (which is why it's called what it is).

You need Ammo Maker and Arsenal(26) GunFighter Mod.

Named skill VHS tapes

Named skill VHS tapes

03 May 2023
1 134

Renames all VHS tapes to include the skill level. This removes the need to consult the wiki or Steam manuals when looking for suitable VHS tapes.

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