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BUSHCRAFT - Pubic Hair Project (WIP)  

Upload: 22 Oct 2022, 13:20
Created by: 2simstouch [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
BUSHCRAFT - Pubic Hair Project (WIP)

10,000+ Crotch, Butt, Armpit, Abdominal hairstyles, with NO Color Swaps .... my first mod

350 Styles in this preview ... read below!

This is a preview of an ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE pubic hair/skin details project I've been working on. 

There are a ton of really great "pube" mods out there but the lack of quantity and variety spurred on this project. For something that's so unique to every individual and as much as we all look at naked sims, I fee like there should be more ... a LOT more. 

I'm new to making CC so if there's problems, message me and I can fix. This is a simple skin detail mod and right now it's pretty limited compared to it's full potential. I will put out frequent updates, and with how I make, these I can make a near INFINITE amount … seriously ... with absolutely ZERO COLOR SWAPS. The first batch I produced rendered 12,000 UNIQUE PUBIC HAIRSTYLES.

This mod is exclusively for feminine-framed sims (which I will be updating for masculine) and it only uses the black swatch (more coming real soon)!


It works with everything as far as I know. Wicked Whims has a body hair system that may override this, but I doubt it since it's a skin detail.

Keep in mind, your bottom mesh will dictate the shape to some degree. 

Screenshots in source (18+)

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