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Mail Carrier Career  

Upload: 19 Jul 2023, 11:47
Created by: Gauntlet101010 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Mail Carrier Career

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Do you like playing one track NPC careers?  I hope so because here's another!  Define the NPC Mail Carrier that brings you bills every day!  Could be fun, right?  I think so anyway.  

It's so hard to grab a show of the Mail Carrier with the overhead bubble!  I had to resort to her just standing around because it disappears the moment she delivered the mail.  

Auto Employees | Custom Lot Trait

Auto Employees | Custom Lot Trait

08 Apr 2022
2 162

This Lot Traits spawns NPC if certain Objects are places on the Lot. Just one NPC of each kind gets spawned even if you have more than one Object of the same kind on the Lot (unless i wrote a max number below).

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