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Ring Up Customers at Register  

Upload: 21 Apr 2022, 06:35
Created by: cLineLy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Ring Up Customers at Register


Do you like running after your customers all over your store ? Then this mod is not for you.

This mod brings all the "Ring me Up" customers in one spot... the cash register. And they wait for you there, in line. And even better, you can actually ring them up using the cash register instead of the tablet.


Like a lot of simmers, I really enjoyed the Sims 2 Open for Business. And I missed the customers waiting in line in both Sims 3 and Sims 4. But the Sims 4 retail system was still a lot of fun for me. And the "tablet Ring Up" does make sense in art galleries or museums and such. Then a few months ago I made the convenient store in the pictures. And because it felt so weird to ring up customers using a tablet in a convenient store, I got motivated to make this mod.

Mod description details

Customers arriving on the lot will behave normally as they have in the past. But when they are "Ready to Buy" and the little notification pops up, the mod kicks in.

  • By default, this mod will make customers wait in line at the register. If you sim suddenly wants to do some leg work, this mod can be disabled/enabled at any time by clicking on the register. And customers will start to wait near the object they want to buy (EA's default). The change will affect the new "Ring Up" customers. The customers already waiting somewhere won't move.
  • "Ready to Buy" customers will actually look for the register until they find it. Which means that, even if a customer gets interrupted, or stuck somewhere, or you move the register while he was waiting in line, or you reset the sim or anything that makes them not "wait in line at the register"... That customer will keep looking for that register until he finds it.
  • As they are walking toward the register, the option to "Ring Up" customers is disabled. This is mainly to prevent overzealous employees from leaving the register and trying to ring them up halfway (and you know how well EA handles "try talking to moving sim").
  • I also froze the timer for the check out as they are walking to the register. That way, if you have a 64x64 mall, the customers won't rage quit before reaching the register (or if you would like to build a maze-like shop, that works too). The timer will start counting down when they are waiting in line at the register.
  • Waiting in line. Yes. The customers won't clutter around the register, they will wait in a realistic not-perfectly-straight line while complaining and getting angrier with time. I also decided to create a way for customers to walk forward. Long story short, I added a frequent check for customers to see if there is space for them to walk forward or not. So as to not destroy everybody's CPU, I set that check to every 2 to 4 sim-minutes. So some customers will react faster than others. And if you look closely, you might see some impatient sims cut in line, feigning indifference to the annoyed stares of those with manners.
  • If the customer is buying something in the world (so not from the big fridges with inventories), once they have been successfully rung up, they will give you the money and go straight home from the register (more info about animations below).
  • If the customer is buying clothes from the mannequins, I thought it would have been quite strange for him to change and wear his new outfit at the register. So after paying, he will leave the register, go back to the mannequin, change his outfit and then leave the lot.
  • If the customer is buying from the big fridges with inventories ("Lice Cold Retail Freezer" and "Cat Loves Food Inc. Professional Grade Warming Rack"), I let them do what EA has always made them do : they help themselves to the fridges, pay you with a notification and leave without being rung up.
  • If you use the default "Ring Up" interaction with the tablet, customers will always go back to the object first before leaving.
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