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Restaurant~Hire Who Ever!  

Upload: 05 May 2022, 17:19
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Restaurant~Hire Who Ever!

Dine Out is REQUIRED. This will not give you restaurants.

I want to give out a special Thank You! to Scumbumbo! Scumbumbo and I were talking one day about this mod and came up with a few theories on how to get more sims into the hire list. So I went in and tested some of our theories, all you have to do is add this mod, and make the sims you want unemployed. Then they will show up in the list to be hired.

What does this mod do?
Have you ever spent time and money increasing your employees skills and then you sell that restaurant and you open a new one and now you have to start all over? Or maybe you just open your restaurant but want at least the option to hire others with higher skill levels instead of always picking from the bottom of the barrel? Well this mod will allow you to hire sims with higher levels IF they are available for hire.

University - Custom Degrees 12 MB

University - Custom Degrees

31 Mar 2022
1 403

There have always been gaps in Sims 4 education, learning didn't feel as realistic as we would have liked. But mods work wonders! This is a truly grandiose and incredibly extensive mod, very elaborate and interesting.

Celebrity Manager

Celebrity Manager

11 Jul 2022
1 457

Think you have what it takes to handle the demands of a celebrity? Join the Celebrity Manager Career where you will represent, develop and promote the careers of celebrities. You will negotiate contracts and help your celebrity clients find the best jobs.

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