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Werewolves Game Pack Walkstyle Override  

Upload: 27 Jul 2022, 17:39
Created by: SpinningPlumbobs [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Werewolves Game Pack Walkstyle Override

***IMPORTANT** - This mod is not compatible with my updated Werewolves Mod. They both override the same buff and will cause interactions to not show up if both are installed. That mod automatically includes a default walk replacement for gamepack werewolves.


Half beast creatures are definitely not supposed to walk like proper socialites! So, I took it upon myself to fix that.

Werewolves will now walk with the same walkstyle from my Werewolves mod, hunched and growling like the night creatures they are, as well as run on all fours any time they are in their beast form. This should not conflict with any mods, as this contains new resources. The only thing this mod overrides is the base buff for the werewolves' beast form.

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