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The Personality Mod  

Upload: 29 Aug 2022, 14:29
Last updated: 12-02-2023, 15:02
Created by: missyhissy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
The Personality Mod

Compatible with Patch 1.90 ~ Please Redownload

Change Log:

August 26th 2022 ~

  • Removed the reactionary Dance Want from the Pleasure Sim trait. This was irritating beyond belief.
  • Updated all the whimsets for compatibility with my upcoming Hopes & Fears mod.

July 30th 2022 ~ Updated for compatibility with the new Wants. Please redownload and delete ANY old version of this mod. Also make sure you have the latest update of the XML Injector.
April 18th 2022 ~ New Whims Added
December 18th 2021 ~

  • Removed the “Buy…” whims from the traits. Even with weights changed, these were still overpowering a bit so until I tweak those whims themselves, I’m removing them from the mod. Don't worry: they'll be back but much improved next time!
  • Added an Addon package for three new traits: Grilled Cheese Sim, Creativity Sim and Power Sim.
  • New Whims Added (Requires Custom Whims Mod)

June 10th 2021 ~ Multiple updates today!

  • The Custom Whims and The Personality Mod are now split into separate downloads. The Personality Mod adds the traits to the reward store but the Custom whims are now separate. If you do not install the Custom Whims package, you will not see my Custom-made whims.
  • Frank’s Pack Test Mod is no longer required. The code wasn’t working properly and it turns out Whims won’t support it. The mod is still safe to use even if you don’t have all the packs listed.
  • Fixed the ‘Own A Business’ whim so purchasing a business from the computer also completes the whim.
  • Updated the ‘Become A Spellcaster’ whim because it didn’t seem to complete consistently. Now it should.
  • Updated the ‘Have Baby’ whim so it should complete, regardless of where the birth takes place.
  • Fixed the Public Woohoo whim so it should actually complete all the time. Thanks everyone for your feedback with this one!
  • Fixed a series of small tuning errors. While these didn't stop the mod from working, they were irritating me. Thank you ChippedSim for your assistance with locating and fixing these!
  • Updated Russian translation.

The Personality Mod is the first larger mod I've made for The Sims 4.

You Will Need:

  • Scumbumbo's XML Injector ~ This makes the traits show up in the reward store. Don’t worry; the XML Injector doesn’t add anything to your game, it just allows this mod to work as intended. You need at least Version 3 for the traits to show up.
  • The Custom Wants Mod (also by Me) ~ This is a loader mod for all my custom wants, so if you want my new custom-made wantss, you'll need to download this too.

What Does It Do?
The Personality Mod adds 6 reward traits to the Reward Store. Each of these traits are inspired by the six Aspirations from Sims 2: Family, Fortune, Knowledge, Pleasure, Popularity and Romance. Each trait costs 0 Satisfaction Points, so you can add the traits to newly created sims, straight out of Create-A-Sim.

Each trait has it's own set of Whims and those whims are directly inspired by the appropriate Wants from Sims 2. Because of this, the reward traits act like a base personality and influence the whims your Sim puts in.

For example, a Fortune Sim may wish to own their own business; a Family Sim may want to have a baby or adopt a dog; A Knowledge Sim will be curious about the supernatural etc.

The Aspiration Addon Package
With the update on 18th December 2021, I added a separate addon package contain three new traits: Grilled Cheese, Power and Creativity, due to popular request. These are NOT essential but more an optional extra, should you want them.

The Whims
While there were some excellent whims available to suit each trait, I felt like many were missing. As a result, I set about creating my own. This mod contains around 40 new whims, each associated with the six reward traits. Among those whims are several whims for individual careers. Each of those whims will only turn up in a Sim has certain traits or skills, so they won't be random.

The mod currently supports the following translations:
English (Me)
Chinese (GreenOnionC)
Danish (Josie)
Dutch (Britt Boons)
French (Kimikosoma)
German (Hendrik McSims)
Italian (Isy)
Polish (webkinzfrog)
Portuguese (Viniciousvill) (abronte)
Russian (Origamika GroupJoliebean)
Spanish (Sabrina Garcia)

Download: | Small minor update for compatibility with upcoming Hopes & Fears Mod. | Adds Grilled Cheese Sim, Power Sim & Creativity Sim reward traits | Updated for Patch 1.90

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