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Vampire Death & More Mod  

Upload: 01 Apr 2022, 08:53
Created by: PolarBearSims [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Vampire Death & More Mod

This mod will bring a variety of death ~ if you choose ~ to your game. This will bring attitude and personality to your vampires. There is a variety of flavors so please read them CAREFULLY!

Things you will find in this mod:<--Will also include any new items I'm currently working on for the next update.

  • Vampires can drink vampires
  • Optional Vampire Pregnancy
  • Ask for Permission to Drink
  • Pregnancy Chance
  • Relationships will help determine autonomy
  • Conversations will help determine autonomy
  • Sims WILL die if they are off of a lot
  • Drain Life Spirit will age up sims!
  • Pregnant sims can now die during Vampire Creation
  • Changing into vampire could lead to DEATH!
  • Force to turn with custom animations
  • Option to have no Death Deep Drink but have Death in other drinks
  • Vampires gain energy from drinking
  • Turn Pregnant Sims
  • Unlimited Turning of Sims & Pregnant~No Restrictions
  • Unlimited Drinking of Sims & Pregnant~No Restrictions
  • Sims lose fun when drank
  • Draining Life Spirt Chance of Death
  • Unlimited Draining Life Spirit Sims & Pregnant~No Restrictions
  • Sims could starve to death when drank
  • Sims Autonomously asking to be turned~based on traits and moods
  • Sim death by deep drink
  • Sim death chance by casual drink
  • Autonomy
  • Drink from pregnant sims
  • Unlimited drinking
  • Unlimited biting
  • Fun increases to certain interactions
  • Pregnant Sims could age or die
  • Vampires determine their interactions based on traits and moods
  • Choose to have Vampires Autonomous or Non Autonomous
  • Choose to have death from vampires or no death
  • More possibilities coming in the future!

The author has proposed additional files that can be used with the main mods.
VampireCanDrink - contains 4 files, install one:
Vampire_CanDrink_Vampire - vampires can drink blood from a vampire (only in his human form).
Vampire Drink Pregnant Sims is Fun! -  allows you to drink from pregnant sims.
Vampire_Drink_Unlimited -
 Allows unlimited drinking from Sims.
Vampire_DrinkPregnantSims_Unlimited -  Combines unlimited drinking from pregnant and non-pregnant Sims.
Vampires_CanTurn  - Unlimited transformation of Sims. Contains three files.
---Vampires_CanTurn_PregnantSims - just turn pregnant sims
---Vampires_CanTurn_PregnantSims_Unlimited - turn pregnant sims after drinking from them
---Vampires_CanTurn_Unlimited - turn non-pregnant sims after drinking from them.
Install only one file from the archive.
VampireCreation_PossibleDeath - The process of turning a Sim into a Vampire can result in the Sim's death
There are several levels of difficulty. Low, Medium, High, Extreme. They differ in the rate at which a Sim's needs fall during the transformation. Choose one of the files according to your taste.
VampireCreation_Pregnant_PossibleDeath - The  process of transforming a pregnant Sim can result in death. Conflicts with VampireCreation_PossibleDeath.
 Vampire_Autonomously_TurnSims -
A vampire can turn a Sim into his own kind. Action depends on moodlets, mood, traits of the vampire and relationship with the transformed Sim.
No_Death_Vampire_DeepDrink - Eliminates the possibility of Sims dying from bites when using packs where this death is provided. Put only in one folder with the main mod.
Pregnant_Death - Pregnant women can die on conversion.
NoVampirePregnancy - Sims will not get pregnant from a vampire bite.

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