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'Call Off Wedding' Enabled For Wedding Events  

Upload: 06 Apr 2022, 11:12
Created by: MissyHissy [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
'Call Off Wedding' Enabled For Wedding Events

Requires the XML Injector

One of my frustrations with the My Wedding Stories pack was the apparent removal of the 'Call Off Wedding' interaction.

It turns out the interaction was never removed; it just wasn't enabled for the new Wedding Events.

What Does That Mean?

It means the interaction is there if you don't plan an event; so if your Sims get married on the spot at a wedding arch, for example, the interaction appears. There are even some lovely moodlets and sentiments relating to the moment.
However, it was NOT enabled for the new wedding events.

To change that, I cloned the interaction and enabled it for the events.

What Does This Mod Do?

— Call Off Wedding now appears during Wedding Ceremonies. 

— Sims who have just been left at the alter will now slap the other Sim. Previously this was just a Yell At animation.

— There is now a possibility for Sims with the Non-Committal, Mean and Evil traits to autonomously call off the wedding. Additionally, if you have The Personality Mod installed, Romance Sims may autonomously call it off.


There shouldn't be any compatibility problems. These are cloned interactions, meaning the original is untouched. The mod doesn't override any files.
It is compatible with simsmodelsimmer's Autonomous Call Off Wedding mod, since that touches the original Maxis interaction.

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