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Occult Case Files: Case One - Demo  

Upload: 16 Aug 2022, 19:03
Created by: teebowah [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Occult Case Files: Case One - Demo

Or at least that's what the kids in class were calling it. A spot said to make a person disappear into thin air the moment they step into it.

My friend and I are amateur occult investigators. We've been to many of these supposed paranormal spots over the years and planned on checking out this spot that makes people vanish.

But something went wrong... 

Occult Case Files is an homage to the point n' clicks on the NES like Uninvited, Shadowgate and Deja-Vu. This demo was made over the course of 2 months and if reception is well we'll go full steam ahead and make it into a fully fledged game (After The Third Shift of course)

Design, Code and Art by Scottie Supple
Music and Sound by Julian Crowhurst
Cover Art Painted by Athan Shields


W,A,S,D or arrows to move cursor
Numbers 1-6 to access your inventory (Or simply clicking with the cursor)
"Shift" to cycle through commands or Numpad 1-6 to select commands

-Update v1.1-

Upon getting a "case closed" and starting again, certain items and scenarios remained flagged. This has since been fixed.
Thank you.

-Update v1.2-

-Fixed overlapping and mismatched text for certain items and interactions
-Added Full Screen option to options menu
Thank you.

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon 1.03 GB

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon

25 Jun 2022
1 065

Nancy Drew: Last Train to Blue Moon Canyon is a detective game about a young detective named Nancy Drew. The quest is the 13th part in the series of the same name. The changes affected the gameplay aspects, and the interface has also changed.

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