More Revealing FredKarrera SBBF TAWoBA Port
This is not a standalone mod! This mod adds Braless, Pantyless, and Bra and Pantyless variants of every armor in FredKarrera's mod.
This is not a standalone mod! This mod adds Braless, Pantyless, and Bra and Pantyless variants of every armor in FredKarrera's mod.
Skyrim TAWOBA Armors to BG3, you don't ask for it, but I know that you're waiting for it. (WIP)- NOW with STATS & SPELLS!!!!
Nightsong dress (with cloth physics) forms of the legendary artifact from Sharess, the goddess of hedonism and sensual fulfillment. It is a piece of living armor that can evolve with 5 different stages. To evolve, your body has to be suitable and it must be sated before a long rest.
Legendary artifact from Sharess, the goddess of hedonism and sensual fulfillment. It is a piece of living armor that can evolve with 5 different stages. To evolve, your body has to be suitable and it must be sated before a long rest.
Legendary boots for those blessed by Loviatar and welcome pain. The boots are tintable and come with a camp version (with no effects). It has very powerful effects, but there are drawbacks. If you have the bg3se (script extender), there are also scripted body modification effect.
This will be a one stop for all of my clothing/armor mods in the future I will also work on getting my older mods up to snuff and adding them to this mod in the future. As for now this mod will only contain my most recent outfit.
Be the Plaguebringer you want to be with this poisoned-themed gear set! Adds 9 new items to the game with new passives as well as new spells that grow with you as you level all the way up to Lv. 20.
Gives a reasonably milf-like figure to female humans, elves and half-elves wearing Karlach's camp clothes. Requires Just Big Boobs mod.
This mod adds 4 pairs of katanas to your game. The first pair is a light finesses katana that does 1d6 damage. The second one is a 1d8 finesse, versatile pair.
Heavenly series armor, based on the property modification of nocturne armor, a full set of legendary new armor.
Over 800 pieces of new armor and equipment, mainly for humanlike races. Includes NSFW content such as nude, topless and skimpy armors.
This mod adds a ring called the Ring Of Minor Rituals that grants a player access to the Speak With Animals, Speak with Dead, Disguise Self, and Detect Thoughts spells for free.
A new set of armor for a roguish female character. Visuals only for: Female Humans, Half-Elves, Elves, Drow and Tieflings of normal body size.
Now supports 152 armours across all 11 playable races.
A set of clothing and armour pieces made for mixing and matching with each other or with other armour mods. Styled for a discreet Bard. Only supports tall slim femme characters.
A simple mod that makes some backpacks wearable.
Pack of accessories but mostly chokers for all human-like races.
This mod adds Anduril and the One Ring to Baldur's Gate 3, complete with spells and 3d model. The sword comes in 6 versions with a total of 2 different skills and 7 different weapon tyles (Greatsword, Longsword and Sword with Finesse).
Adds Drow Priestess Robe to chest on the nautiloid.
The two ring skills of Ice and Fire have not been implemented yet. For the time being, only the resistance is improved, and the attached skills have no effect; two enhanced versions have been added, with elemental immunity
This mod contains Ciri's default appearance clothes from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, converted to Baldur's Gate 3 (minus gloves.) Only compatible with Human, Half-Elf, Elf and Tiefling slim femme bodies.
Possibility to add demonic wings to the player character. In addition, they give immunity to fall damage and the ability to fly (the character can fly from one point to another and take off on a hill).