Customizable Cameras (With UI AND FPS Mode) 3.0
(^_^) >--------- Release ---------< (^_^)
No more awful load of keybinds that doesn't fit anyone and can't be removed after camera editing
- Press F6 to open the new in-game UI to edit the cameras. (Pressing F6 again close the UI)
- More editable cameras: Indoor, Outdoor, Swimming, Broom (When on broom), Aiming &
fpsMode (not configurable, special version only intended for playing in fps)
- Realtime Camera updates based on UI changes
- Camera settings auto-save when changing preset or camera type
Aiming is for now placebo & fpsMode requires you to change movement to activate like for e.g going from walking to swimming
Know Bugs:
----> ALT+TAB Can cause the game to re-enable game inputs and loose focus on widget: Press F6 to close the UI and F6 again to open it back again
----> To close the menu: click on the "X" button on top-right. F6 doesn't close the menu for now
I Will not tolerate anybody that uses my script and just modifies it a bit for reupload. You can do it for yourself and your friends but never RE-UPLOAD others work without permission.
Be sure to have a Saved folder inside "Phoenix/Binaries/Win64", a TestCameraOffset folder inside "Phoenix/Binaries/Win64/Mods" AND 3 z_CameraUI_P files inside Phoenix/Content/Paks/~mods/
--------------------------------- INSTALL ---------------------------------
To install it, download the requirement RE-UE4SS and choose to download the xinput version (the other one will not work), then extract the zip inside
"Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Binaries/Win64/". When you've done this, just extract my zip inside /Hogwarts Legacy/ next to the Phoenix folder and that' all.
Now, it also require Blueprint_Apparate to load the mod in-game UI correctly.
Use F8 to open Blueprint_Apparate menu and then type CameraUI to load the in-game UI correctly.
Then reload the game to make it work.
(This is a one-time to do)