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Auto Loot and Interactions 11KB

Auto Loot and Interactions

25 Mar 2023
1 149

Automatically collect chests, loot drops and foragable items such as leaping toadstools, lacewing flies, and ashwinder eggs... Or go even further and enable full automatic interactions!!!

Seasons Manager v1.0.3 5KB

Seasons Manager v1.0.3

05 Mar 2023
1 332

After the main story, the seasons stop progressing which is unfortunate. -- Why miss out on the beautiful seasonal scenery and decorations? -- This mod aims to address this.

Sorting Ceremony Game Save

Sorting Ceremony Game Save

12 Feb 2023
1 113

So - it appears for us lowly peasants without a 4090, the minute you get to Hogwarts - fps tanks. The game locks you out of testing this crap and overwrites the save once you get to the common room. This is super god damn annoying. Use this instead as much as you want to tweak your game.

White Bushes Fix 5KB

White Bushes Fix

11 Feb 2023
1 022

Temporary fix for the white bushes bug for 7900XT & 7900XTX which is not turning all the other corresponding shader quality settings to LOW.