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GRW High-end MOD Further Distances - High LOD Quality v1.2  

Upload: 01 Jul 2023, 21:50
Created by: Alkar [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
GRW High-end MOD Further Distances - High LOD Quality v1.2

This mod is a Cheat Engine Table/Trainer that will Increase ViewDistance and LOD - Vegetation and Objects visible from far away.

This mod was possible because of ChrisBevill, who paid for it and allowed it to go public!

This mod has 3 options:

  • Nature and Static Objects DrawDistance - This value changes the distance you see objects - /trees/rocks/water/grass/walls/etc - Static on general
  • Nature and Static Objetcs LOD - This value changes the Level Of Detail (LOD) of /bushes/rocks/buildings/destructable/etc
  • Nature and Dynamic Objects Distance - This value changes literally every Dynamic Object


  1. You'll need some software to unzip the files. Password is: ChrisBevill
  2. You'll get 2 (two) files once downloaded here and unzipped, by it being: GRW High-End_R.exe & GRWHigh-End.ct
  3. Highly recommend using the GRW High-End_R.exe for performances purposes
  4.  Once Trainer is opened, start the game and press "Home" once you're already playing. You'll hear 3 spaced beeps, each beep activates an option (meant to be used together)
  5.  Now to see differecens you must "refresh" your game settings, by just going on graphics settings menu, and press F or apply button.
  6.  Go back to the game and enjoy.
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