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Tittilating Topless Tekken - Nude Upper Body Option For All Ladies And Alisa  

Upload: 28 Feb 2024, 18:21
Created by: peek6 [X]
Uploaded by: Aqxaro
Tittilating Topless Tekken - Nude Upper Body Option For All Ladies And Alisa

Why can only the men go topless? Not anymore!
With this mod, you can select a topless upper for any of the ladies.
Even Alisa can now go topless!
You can choose to replace the short-sleeve polka-dot or the diner shirt.

UPDATE (v2.0) Now Alisa can go topless too!  Additionally, you can now replace the diner shirt as well as the short-sleeve polka-dot shirt, to make this mod more fully compatible with bikini mix-n-match mod if you choose to replace different shirts for each mod.  I also fixed a small neck gap which had been in the previous version.

Note that installation instructions have changed slightly:

You must always unzip and install the UTOC/UCAS/PAK files from into Content\Paks\LogicMods

You can then additionally install either the UTOC/UCAS/PAK to replace the
diner shirt or the UTOC/UCAS/PAK to replace the short-sleeve polka-dot
shirt.  Up to you!

Then just select that shirt in the character customizer to go topless! 

This mod is compatible with the bikini bottoms from my mix-n-match mod.  You can now also have some ladies going topless while other wear bikinis if you if you choose to replace different shirts for each mod.

Xiaoyu Nude 12 MB

Xiaoyu Nude NSFW

28 Feb 2024
1 154

sadly the Tekken 7 costume cant be done for now due to a missing neck gap, i'll update it once it's fixed

Enhanced Tekken 8 Visuals

Enhanced Tekken 8 Visuals

01 Mar 2024

Enhances Tekken 8's visuals by disabling post-processing effects, adding a few, and an optional increase in the internal resolution of the game.

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